The Dome School

Yes, we are at a cross-roads. The Dome School is losing families due to too many distractions and noise carryover in our cavernous hall. The time is now for a building addition, which will simultaneously give our children safe permanent classrooms, and give our local community the chance to reclaim regular use of the Takilma Community Building. Unfortunately, we need to raise 50% of construction costs to break ground in late summer. We now have nearly $90,000 on hand or pledged, but we have much more we need to raise in a very short period of time.

If you have a few minutes, please watch the video below. It was put together by the building expansion committee’s Dallion McGregor and tells the story of our current situation and needs.

The support of our community, alumni, and family and friends is crucial at this time.  Thank you for sharing this, and helping us make a safer classroom and a better future for the kids of the Illinois Valley.